


The biggest Irish language festival in Ireland and the world. 

An fhéile Ghaeilge is mó in Éirinn agus ar fud an domhain! 

Is féile idirnáisiúnta Ghaeilge í Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia, atá ar an gceiliúradh is mó dár dteanga agus dár gcultúr dúchais a bhíonn ar siúl in Éirinn agus in go leor tíortha eile gach bliain.

Seachtain na Gaeilge le Energia is an international Irish language festival and one of the biggest celebrations of our native language and culture that takes place each year in Ireland and in many other countries.

Cavan Library is always delighted to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge and this year there is a bumper programme of events across our library branches.

Breathnaigh ar ár n-imeachtaí i Leabharlanna an Chabháin!

Check out our events in Cavan Libraries!

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